Inaccurate comments are worse than no comments at all. e.g. code is updated and
comments are no longer accurate
comments do not make up for bad code
code should express itself instead, e.g.
// Check to see if the employee is eligible for full benefits
if (employee.flags & HOURLY_FLAG && employee.age 65)
if (employee.isElegibleForBenefits())
informative comments - should convey information that CANNOT be conveyed with code/naming
e.g. a regular expression:
// format matched: kk:mm:ss EEE, MMM dd, yyy
clarifying code that you cannot change or alter (e.g. part of a library or something)
is good
TODOs are also fine - jobs that you think should be done but can't at the moment for
some reason
Amplification - emphasizes the importance of something that at first glance may seem
a comment that requires you to look elsewhere to find its meaning is bad
redundant comments are bad - they are just distracting noise
don't leave commented out lines of code - delete them! that's what source control is for
instead of marking ends of loops and such; try and make the function/section shorter
position markers (marking related sections/functions) are generally noise
don't add systemwide information to a local comment - if it contains information
that could change elsewhere besides the current code, there's no guarantee that comment
will be changed later and hence could become incorrect
Don't use a comment when you can use a function or variable