MLD for a DMC chooses v^ which maximizes the above, which is then decoded to get u^
Hamming Distance
The number of bits or symbols that differ between the encoder output v
and received decoder input r
denoted d(r,v)
For a modulation where M=2 and Q=2 (modulator and demodulator both produce only a 0 or 1) (binary symmetric channel, BSC),
MLD chooses v^ with smallest hamming distance
Also called minimum distance decoder
Forward Error Correction
Errors are only corrected at the receiver end since transmission is one way only
Error Rates
Error probability: probability there is still an error after decoding
Word Error Rate (WER): probability a decoded block/word has an error
Block Error Rate (BLER): same as WER
Bit Error Rate (BER): probability a bit in the decoded output is an error
Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR): Energy-per-information-bit vs. noise power spectral density at receiver input, in decibels