Chapter 4 - Important Linear Block Codes
- Perfect Code: Has no uncorrectable codewords with <= t errors
- Weight distribution: Set of count of codewords in a code each having the same weight
- E.g. 5 codewords have a weight of 1, etc.
- Weight enumerator: Polynomial function used to calculate the weight distribution of a code
- The coefficients for each degree are the count for that weight
- SEC-DED: Single error correcting, double error detecting
Hamming Codes
- Min distance of 3
- Corrects single bit errors
- Detects all <= 2 errors
- Is a perfect code (only one besides Golay code)
- Easily decoded using lookup table
- For any m >= 3
- Code Length = n = 2m-1
- Num. information bits = k = 2m-m-1
- Num. parity check bits = n - k = m
- Num. possible error corrections = t = 1
- Parity check matrix H = [Im Q]
- Q = collection of 2m-m-1 columns with weight >= 2
- Im = m x m identity matrix
- Generator matrix G = [QT I2m-m-1]
- Standard array coset leaders = 0 vector plus all 2m-1 tuples with weight 1
- This is why "Perfect Code" definition applies (corrects ALL single bit errors, and has NO other coset leaders besides the ones that correct <= t errors)
- C++ Implementation here ((7,4) example from chapter 3)
Shortened Hamming Codes
- Made by deleting l columns from H of a hamming code
- Has following parameters:
- Code length = n = 2m - l - 1
- Num. information bits = k = 2m - m - l - 1
- Num. parity bits = n - k = m
- Num. possible error corrections = t = min distance > = 3
- If the columns are removed correctly, will have a min distance of 4
- In this case, can correct single bit errors and detect ALL double errors
- Decoding process
- If syndrome s is 0, no error occured
- else
- If s has odd number of 1s
- result = (matching error pattern) + s
- else
- Uncorrectable error detected
- Weight enumerator: 1/(n+1) [(1+z)n) + n(1-z)(1-z2)(n-1)/2]
Reed-Muller Codes
- Multiple random error correction
- Simple construction
- Many choices for decoding (both hard and soft decision)
- Reed decoding algorithm
- Majority-Logic decoding algorithm
- Easily implemented
- For any m,r with 0 <= r <= m, denoted as RM(r,m)
- Code length = n = 2m
- Dimension = k(r,m) = 1 + bin(m,1)+bin(m,2)+...+bin(n,r)
- bin(x,y) = binomial coefficient
- Min distance = dmin = 2m-r
- Information bits can be reconstructed as different combinations of sums of the encoded bits
- e.g. u0 = v0+v1+v2+v3 = v4+v5+v6+v7 = ...
- These are called checksums
- Using the different possible combinations, majority vote on what the decoded bit should be
- The decoded bits are calculated recursively starting with longer checksums then getting shorter
- This is called "Majority Logic Decoding", with the number of recursive steps
giving the name "N-step majority logic decoding"
- Errors that happen in earlier steps of decoding affect later steps, called "error propogation"
Golay Code
- Two versions
- (24,12) has an additional parity bit
- Min distance of 8 for (24,12) or 7 for (23,12)
- Many uses, including U.S. space communication programs
- Only other perfect code besides Hamming
- Used as the primary error control system for NASA's Voyager
between 1979-1981, used to take pictures of Jupiter and Saturn
- For the (24,12) code:
- Generator matrix G = [P I12]
P = parity matrix which can be found here (matrix B)
- PT = P
- Parity check matrix H = [I12 P] = [I12 PT]
- Decoding process:
- Compute syndrome s = received * HT
- if weight(s) <= 3
- error vec e = (s, 0) (0 is length 12)
- Goto 8
- if weight(s + pi) <= 2 for any row pi in P
- error vec e = (s + pi, ui) (ui is 0 vec except a 1 in the ith position)
- Goto 8
- Compute s*P
- if weight(s*P) == 2 or weight(s*P) == 3
- error vec e = (0, s*P)
- goto 8
- if weight(s*P + pi) == 2 for any row pi in P
- error vec e = (ui, s*P + pi)
- goto 8
- Decoding error if this step is reached and not skipped
- Calculate result = (received codeword) + e
- C++ Implementation here