Chapter 7: Shading

Diffuse Reflection


pPoint on surface being rendered
cCamera position
vview vector, = normalize(c - p)
nSurface normal
lLight direction
Φvluminous flux, energy exiting surface
dAArea surrounding point p
angle which makes projection plane covered by rendered pixel.


Lv(p,v) = (d2Φ v) / (dω dA (dot(n,v)))

Shaded Color

Cshaded = fambient(Cambient,v) + sumk=1..n(fdirect(Cillumk,n,v,lk))

fambient = contribution from ambient illumination, ex. material emission

sum k=1..n is for n number of input light sources

fdirect = luminance from direction lk reflected to direction v = Cillumk fBRDF(n,v,lk) sat(dot(n,lk))

BRDF = bidirectional reflectance distribution function

Illuminance Ev = Cillum sat(dot(n,l))

sat() prevents negative values

fdirect(Cillum,n,l,v) = (p/pi) Cdiffuse Cillum sat(dot(n,l))

p = albedo (scalar, max = 1)

Example diffuse calculation in pixel shader:

uniform float3 diffuseColor; // (rho / pi) * C_diffuse
uniform float3 ambientColor; // pi * C_ambient
uniform float3 lightColor; // C_illum
float3 CalculateDiffuseReflection(float3 n, float3 l)
    float3 directColor = lightColor * saturate(dot(n, l));
    return ((ambientColor + directColor) * diffuseColor);

Specular Reflection

Light reflection vector: r = 2 (dot(n,l)) n - l

Halfway vector (between light dir and view dir): h = normalize(l+v)

Blinn-phong specular reflection: S = Cspecular Cillum (sat(dot(n,h)))a

a = specular power exponent; higher value = sharper highlights

direct lighting combined diffuse and specular: fdirect(Cillum,n,l,v) = {(p/pi) Cdiffuse sat(dot(n,l)) + Cspecular (sat(dot(n,h)))a} Cillum

Example specular reflection shader code:

uniform float3 specularColor; // C_specular
uniform float3 lightColor; // C_illum
float3 CalculateSpecularReflection(float3 n, float3 h, float alpha, float nl)
    float highlight = pow(saturate(dot(n,h)), alpha) * float(nl > 0.0);
    return lightColor * specularColor * highlight;

Cube texture mapping

Environment map sampling example shader code:

uniform TextureCube environmentMap;
uniform float3 Menv[3];
float4 SampleEnvironmentMap(float3 n, float3 v)
    float3 r = n * (2.0 * dot(n,v)) - v;
    float3 texcoord = float3(dot(Menv[0], r), dot(Menv[1], r), dot(Menv[2], r));
    return texture(environmentMap, texcoord);

Tangent space

TBN matrix = tangent, bitangent, normal as columns of 3x3 matrix

tangent, bitangent calculation from 3 points and uv coordinate, e1 = p1-p0, e2 = p2 - p0, (x1,y1) = (u1-u0,v1-v0), (x2,y2) = (u2-u0, v2-v0):

Bitangent calculation from tangent, normal: b = sign(Mtangent) (cross(n,t))

Example tangent calculation from vertices & texture coordinates:

void CalculateTangents(int32 triangleCount, const Triangle *triangleArray,
    int32 vertexCount, const Point3D *vertexArray, const Vector3D *normalArray,
    const Point2D *texcoordArray, Vector4D *tangentArray)
    // Allocate temporary storage for tangents and bitangents and initialize to zeros.
    Vector3D *tangent = new Vector3D[vertexCount * 2];
    Vector3D *bitangent = tangent + vertexCount;
    for (int32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
        tangent[i].Set(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
        bitangent[i].Set(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
    // Calculate tangent and bitangent for each triangle and add to all three vertices.
    for (int32 k = 0; k < triangleCount; k++)
        int32 i0 = triangle[k].index[0];
        int32 i1 = triangle[k].index[1];
        int32 i2 = triangle[k].index[2];
        const Point3D& p0 = position[i0];
        const Point3D& p1 = position[i1];
        const Point3D& p2 = position[i2];
        const Point2D& w0 = texcoord[i0];
        const Point2D& w1 = texcoord[i1];
        const Point2D& w2 = texcoord[i2];
        Vector3D e1 = p1 − p0, e2 = p2 − p0;
        float x1 = w1.x − w0.x, x2 = w2.x − w0.x;
        float y1 = w1.y − w0.y, y2 = w2.y − w0.y;
        float r = 1.0F / (x1 * y2 − x2 * y1);
        Vector3D t = (e1 * y2 − e2 * y1) * r;
        Vector3D b = (e2 * x1 − e1 * x2) * r;
        tangent[i0] += t;
        tangent[i1] += t;
        tangent[i2] += t;
        bitangent[i0] += b;
        bitangent[i1] += b;
        bitangent[i2] += b;
    // Orthonormalize each tangent and calculate the handedness.
    for (int32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
        const Vector3D& t = tangent[i];
        const Vector3D& b = bitangent[i];
        const Vector3D& n = normalArray[i];
        tangentArray[i].xyz() = Normalize(Reject(t, n));
        tangentArray[i].w = (Dot(Cross(t, b), n) > 0.0F) ? 1.0F : −1.0F;
    delete[] tangent;

Normal Maps/Bump Maps

Can be calculated from height maps and their tangents/slopes

h(i,j) is the height value in range [0,1] in the height map, s is a scale factor e.g. 24

Code to generate a normal map from the height map:

void ConstructNormalMap(const float *heightMap, Vector3D *normalMap,
    int32 width, int32 height)
    for (int32 y = 0; y < size.y; y++)
        int32 ym1 = (y − 1) & (height − 1), yp1 = (y + 1) & (height − 1);
        const float *centerRow = heightMap + y * width;
        const float *upperRow = heightMap + ym1 * width;
        const float *lowerRow = heightMap + yp1 * width;

        for (int32 x = 0; x < size.x; x++)
            int32 xm1 = (x − 1) & (width − 1), xp1 = (x + 1) & (width − 1);
            // Calculate slopes.
            float dx = (centerRow[xp1] − centerRow[xm1]) * 0.5F;
            float dy = (lowerRow[x] − upperRow[x]) * 0.5F;
            // Normalize and clamp.
            float nz = 1.0F / sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + 1.0F);
            float nx = fmin(fmax(−dx * nz, −1.0F), 1.0F);
            float ny = fmin(fmax(−dy * nz, −1.0F), 1.0F);
            normalMap[x].Set(nx, ny, nz);
        normalMap += width;

And code to use the normal map in a shader:

uniform Texture2D normalMap;
float3 FetchNormalVector(float2 texCoord)
    float2 m = texture(normalMap, texCoord).xy;
    return float3(m, sqrt(1.0 - m.x*m.x - m.y*m.y));

Code to get the tangent-space view direction vector v and light direction l. The w componenent of the tangent contains the handedness of the tangent frame for bitangent calc

uniform float3 cameraPosition; // object space camera pos
uniform float3 lightPosition; // object-space light position
void CalculateTangentSpaceVL(float3 position, float3 normal, float4 tangent,
    out float3 vtan, out float3 ltan)
    float3 bitangent = cross(normal, * tangent.w;
    float3 v = cameraPosition - position;
    float3 l = lightPosition - position;
    vtan = float3(dot(tangent, v), dot(bitangent, v), dot(normal, v)); // TBN matrix mul
    ltan = float3(dot(tangent, l), dot(bitangent, l), dot(normal, l));

Normal map usage shader code, but also transforming into object-space (sigma is handedness):

uniform Texture2D normalMap;
float3 FetchObjectNormalVector(float2 texCoord, float3 normal, float3 tangent, float sigma)
    float3 m = FetchNormalVector(texCoord);
    float3 n = normalize(normal);
    float3 t = normalize(tangent - n * dot(tangent, n));
    float3 b = cross(normal, tangent) * sigma;
    return t * m.x + b * m.y + n * m.z;

Blending normals m1, m2 with weights a,b:

Parallax mapping

Modified normal/bump mapping to smooth/interpolate differences in heights to improve quality. Calculates and adds offset p to the texture coordinates.

pxy = nzhvxy

nzh is precomputed and stored in a parallax map texture.

Pixel shader code using a parallax map:

uniform Texture2D parallaxMap;
float2 ApplyParallaxOffset(float2 texCoord, float3 vdir, float2 scale)
    float2 pdir = vdir.xy * scale;
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
        // fetch n.z * h from map
        float parallax = texture(parallaxMap, texCoord).x;
        texCoord += pdir * parallax;
    return texCoord;

Horizon Mapping

Used to make bump/normal maps cast shadows. Uses tangent space light direction to tell if light source high enough above horizon to illuminate the shaded point. Is also dynamic and works with light movement. Is created from height map.

Code to calculate horizon map and ambient occlusion map:

void ConstructHorizonMap(const float *heightMap, ColorRGBA *horizonMap,
    float *ambientMap, float ambientPower, int32 width, int32 height)
    constexpr int kAngleCount = 32; // Must be at least 16 and a power of 2.
    constexpr float kAngleIndex = float(kAngleCount) / two_pi;
    constexpr int kHorizonRadius = 16;
    for (int32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
        const float* centerRow = heightMap + y*width;
        for (int32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
            // Get central height. Initialize max squared tangent array to all zeros.
            float h0 = centerRow[x];
            float maxTan2[kAngleCount] = {};
            // Search neighborhood for larger heights
            for (int32 j = -kHorizonRadius + 1; j < kHorizonRadius; j++)
                const float* row = heightMap + ((y+j) & (height-1)) * width;
                for (int32 i = -kHorizonRadius + 1; i < kHorizonRadius; i++)
                    int32 r2 = i*i + j*j;
                    if ((r2 < kHorizonRadius*kHorizonRadius) && (r2 != 0))
                        float dh = row[(x+i) & (width-1)] - h0;
                        if (dh > 0.0f)
                            // larger height found, apply to array entries
                            float direction = atan2(float(j), float(i));
                            float delta = atan(0.7071f / sqrt(float(r2)));
                            int32 minIndex = int32(floor((direction - delta) * kAngleIndex));
                            int32 maxIndex = int32(ceil((direction + delta) * kAngleIndex));
                            // calculate squared tangent with equation 7.53
                            float t = dh*dh / float(r2);
                            for (int32 n = minIndex; n <= maxIndex; n++)
                                int32 m = n & (kAngleCount - 1);
                                maxTan2[m] = fmax(maxTan2[m], t);
            // Generate eight channels of horizon map
            ColorRGBA* layerData = horizonMap;
            for (int32 layer = 0; layer < 2; layer++)
                ColorRGBA color(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
                int32 firstIndex = kAngleCount/16 + layer * (kAngleCount/2);
                int32 lastIndex = firstIndex + kAngleCount/8;
                for (int32 index = firstIndex; index <= lastIndex; index++)
                    float tr = maxTan2[(index - kAngleCount/8) & (kAngleCount-1)];
                    float tg = maxTan2[index];
                    float tb = maxTan2[index + kAngleCount/8];
                    float ta = maxTan2[(index + kAngleCount/4) & (kAngleCount-1)];
           += sqrt(tr / (tr+1.0f));
           += sqrt(tg / (tg+1.0f));
           += sqrt(tb / (tb+1.0f));
                    color.alpha += sqrt(ta / (ta+1.0f));
                layerData[x] = color / float(kAngleCount/8 + 1);
                layerData += width * height;
            // generate ambient light factor
            float sum = 0.0f;
            for (int32 k = 0; k < kAngleCount; k++) {
                sum += 1.0f / sqrt(maxTan2[k] + 1.0f);
            ambientMap[x] = pow(sum * float(kAngleCount), ambientPower);
        horizonMap += width;
        ambientMap += width;

In pixel shader, calculate sin(a) = dot(max(w,0), h0) + dot(max(-w,0), h1)

h0, h1 are 4 component values from the two layers of the horizon map

w is 4 component weight value sampled from cube map in range [-1,1] sampled from light direction l

with sin(a), compare against light direction l z component, which equals sin of angle of l against the horizon plane

if lz >= sin(a), pixel is illuminated, otherwise it is shadowed

Then can smooth-shade light factor calculation by F = clamp(n(lz - sin(a)) + 1, 0, 1)

n is constant positive number which determines transition of light to shadow, e.g. 8

F is then 0 if pixel is fully shadowed, 1 if fully lit

horizon cube texture map generation for w:

void GenerateHorizonCube(ColorRGBA* texel)
    for (int face=0; face<6; face++)
        for (float y = -0.9375f; y < 1.0f; y += 0.125f)
            for (float x = -0.9375f; x < 1.0f; x += 0.125f)
                Vector2D v;
                float r = 1.0f / sqrt(1.0f + x*x + y*y);
                switch (face)
                case 0: v.Set(r, -y*r); break;
                case 1: v.Set(-r, -y*r); break;
                case 2: v.Set(x*r, r); break;
                case 3: v.Set(x*r, -r); break;
                case 4: v.Set(x*r, -y*r); break;
                case 5: v.Set(-x*r, -y*r); break;
                float t = atan2(v.y,v.x) / pi_over_4;

                float red = 0.0f, green = 0.0f, blue = 0.0f, alpha = 0.0f;

                if (t < -3.0f) {red = t + 3.0f; green = -4.0f - t;}
                else if (t < -2.0f) {green = t + 2.0f; blue = -3.0f - t;}
                else if (t < -1.0f) {blue = t + 1.0f; alpha = -2.0f - t;}
                else if (t < 0.0f) {alpha = t; red = t + 1.0f;}
                else if (t < +1.0f) {red = 1.0f - t; green = t;}
                else if (t < +2.0f) {green = 2.0f - t; blue = t - 1.0f;}
                else if (t < +3.0f) {blue = 3.0f - t; alpha = t - 2.0f;}
                else {alpha = 4.0f - t; red = 3.0f - t;}
                texel->Set(red, green, blue, alpha);

Pixel shader code for using horizon map:

uniform Texture2DArray horizonMap;
uniform TextureCube weightMap;
float ApplyHorizonMap(float2 texCoord, float3 ldir)
    const float kShadowHardness = 8.0f;

    // read horizon channel factors from cube map
    float4 weights = texture(weightCube, ldir);

    // extract positive and negative weights for horizon map layers 0 and 1
    float4 w0 = saturate(weights);
    float4 w1 = saturate(-weights);

    // sample the horizon map and multiply by the weights for each layer
    float s0 = dot(texture(horizonMap, float3(texCoord, 0.0)), w0);
    float s1 = dot(texture(horizonMap, float3(texCoord, 1.0)), w1);

    // return lighting factor calculated with equation 7.58
    return saturate((ldir.z - (s0+s1)) * kShadowHardness + 1.0);

Ambient occlusion mapping

Single-channel texture map which specifies the amount of ambient light NOT blocked

Already calculated above in horizon map generation, stored in ambientMap

It is also convenient to take the ambient map values and store them in the alpha component of diffuse textures. You then multiply the result diffuse value by the texture alpha component to apply the ambient occlusion.