Game Coding Complete Notes

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Chapter 3

Memory Pool

Each entry in the memory pool in this chapter has a header which is a pointer to the next entry in the memory pool. Each entry is the same size, so it is a pool of fixed size chunks, which is why we don't need to store the size in the header as well.

I added a test main program which uses chunks of 8 bytes (64 bits) then prints and shows the pool contents and the corresponding header pointers:

static const size_t CHUNK_SIZE = sizeof(uint64_t); // each allocated entry will be 8 bytes
static const size_t NUM_CHUNKS = 10; // there will be memory available for 10 chunks at a time
if ( !memPool.Init( CHUNK_SIZE, NUM_CHUNKS ) ) {
    printf("Failed to init mem pool\n");
    return 1;
// free from pool
while ( allocMap.size() > 0 )
    auto pairIter = allocMap.begin();
    uint8_t** ppChunkHeader = (uint8_t**)( (uint8_t*)pairIter->first - 
            sizeof(uint8_t*) );
    uint8_t* pNextListEntry = ppChunkHeader[0];
    printf("Freeing 0x%08X (chunk header = 0x%08X)\n", 
            pairIter->first, (void*)ppChunkHeader );
    printf("  Points to: 0x%08X\n", (void*)pNextListEntry );
    memPool.Free( pairIter->first );
    allocMap.erase( pairIter );

Which, as an example run, shows the addresses linked to each other:

Freeing 0x000003A8 (chunk header = 0x000003A0)
  Points to: 0x000003B0
Freeing 0x000003B8 (chunk header = 0x000003B0)
  Points to: 0x000003C0
Freeing 0x000003C8 (chunk header = 0x000003C0)
  Points to: 0x000003D0
Freeing 0x000003D8 (chunk header = 0x000003D0)
  Points to: 0x000003E0
Freeing 0x000003E8 (chunk header = 0x000003E0)
  Points to: 0x000003F0
Freeing 0x000003F8 (chunk header = 0x000003F0)
  Points to: 0x00000400
Freeing 0x00000408 (chunk header = 0x00000400)
  Points to: 0x00000410
Freeing 0x00000418 (chunk header = 0x00000410)
  Points to: 0x00000420
Freeing 0x00000428 (chunk header = 0x00000420)
  Points to: 0x00000430
Freeing 0x00000438 (chunk header = 0x00000430)
  Points to: 0x00000000

Chapter 6


Used timyxml2 instead of tinyxml like the book uses. The basic tinyxml2 objects representing XML nodes are XMLElement and the top level loaded XML is XMLDocument. Basic usage is:

#include <tinyxml2.h>
using namespace tinyxml2;
XMLDocument* pDoc = new XMLDocument;
pDoc->LoadFile( filename );
XMLElement* pRoot = pDoc->RootElement();
// loop through each child XML element
for ( XMLElement* pNode = pRoot->FirstChildElement();
      pNode = pNode->NextSiblingElement() )
    std::string val( pNode->Value() );

Chapter 7

Process Manager/Cooperative Multitasker

Made example usage/test program. It creates a process manager and two processes (a parent and child process), where the child process runs after the parent process finishes. Each 'process' is updated once per frame; and it is trusted that the process will only run as long as necessary for a single 'tick' of update; hence the name 'cooperative multitasker.' Seems like an organized/alternative to coroutines, for example.

ProcessManager processManager;
StrongProcessPtr pDelayProcess( new DelayProcess( 5000 ) ); // 5 second delay
StrongProcessPtr pKaboomProcess( new KaboomProcess() ); // gets called after delay

processManager.AttachProcess( pDelayProcess );
pDelayProcess->AttachChild( pKaboomProcess );

auto timeStart = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto lastTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto timeStop = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
while ( std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>
        ( timeStop - timeStart).count() < 10 )
    timeStop = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    uint64_t deltaMs = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>
        ( timeStop - lastTime ).count();

    processManager.UpdateProcesses( deltaMs );

    // go easy on the CPU a little
    lastTime = timeStop;
        std::chrono::milliseconds( uint64_t( 1000.0f/30.0f ) ) );

Chapter 11

Event Manager/Event System

In the book they use a third party library, FastDelegate, to make function objects passed around as event handlers. I instead used c++11 function objects. Originally I used plain old std::function<>s, but found you cannot test instances of them for equality. So I made them function object smart pointers:

#include <functional>
typedef std::shared_ptr<IEventData> IEventDataPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<std::function<void(IEventDataPtr)>> EventListenerDelegate;

// for declaring a delegate via a class member function
#define DECL_MBR_DELEGATE( func )               \
    new std::function<void(IEventDataPtr)>(     \
            std::bind( func,                    \
                       this,                    \
                       std::placeholders::_1    \
                )                               \
class RoleSystem
    RoleSystem() :
            DECL_MBR_DELEGATE( &RoleSystem::DestroyActorDelegate ) )
        ActorId actorId = ActorId(ACTOR_ID);
        m_roleMap[actorId] = "Actor1";

        IEventManager* evtMgr = IEventManager::GetInstance();
        assert( evtMgr != nullptr );
        evtMgr->VAddListener( destroyDelegate, EvtDataDestroyActor::sk_EventType );

    void DestroyActorDelegate( IEventDataPtr pEventData )
        // cast pointer to the actual event data
        // important to properly cast so the shared_ptr<> isn't
        // deleted prematurely before we're done using it
        std::shared_ptr<EvtDataDestroyActor> pCastEventData(
            std::static_pointer_cast<EvtDataDestroyActor>(pEventData) );

        std::cout << "RoleSystem attempting to remove actor" << std::endl;
        auto it = m_roleMap.find( pCastEventData->GetId() );
        if ( it != m_roleMap.end() )
            std::cout << "  found actor: " << it->second << std::endl;
            m_roleMap.erase( it );
            std::cout << "  failed to find actor" << std::endl;

Chapter 12

Lua Scripting

Installed LuaPlus 5.3 instead of 5.1 from The build process results in a static library file luaplus/.build/bin.lua53-luaplus.gcc.linux64/lua53-luaplus-static.a. I made a copy of it to be named liblua53-luaplus-static.a (added the lib prefix) so it can be found by gcc with the -llua53-luaplus-static flag. I then added its path to the Makefile and also had to add the -ldl flag.

CC = g++ 
CFLAGS = -std=c++17 -g
LUAPLUS_DIR = /home/bj/luaplus
LUAPLUS_BUILD_DIR = $(LUAPLUS_DIR)/.build/bin.lua53-luaplus.gcc.linux64
INCDIRS = -I./ \
          -I$(LUAPLUS_DIR)/Src \
          -I$(LUAPLUS_DIR)/Src/LuaPlus/lua53-luaplus/src \
          -I../09_resource_cache \
          -I../08_zip \
          -I../07_coop_multitasker \
LIBS = -llua53-luaplus-static -ldl -lz 
Because of the version difference, I had to change the the LuaPlus function object from LuaFunction<void> to LuaFunctionVoid, based on reading the LuaPlus 5.3 documentation (luaplus/Docs/LuaPlus.html):
LuaPlus::LuaObject m_scriptInitFunc;
// original
LuaPlus::LuaFunction<void> func( m_scriptInitFunc );
func( self );

// new
LuaPlus::LuaFunctionVoid func( m_scriptInitFunc );
func( self );

Added test Lua event triggers and handlers based on book suggestion/example:

class EvtDataScriptEventFromLua : public ScriptEvent

    static const EventType sk_EventType;
    virtual const EventType& VGetEventType() const { return sk_EventType; }

    EXPORT_FOR_SCRIPT_EVENT( EvtDataScriptEventFromLua );


    virtual bool VBuildEventFromScript(); // extract value from Lua
    int m_num; // dummy test value

class EvtDataScriptEventToLua : public ScriptEvent

    static const EventType sk_EventType;
    virtual const EventType& VGetEventType() const { return sk_EventType; }
    EXPORT_FOR_SCRIPT_EVENT( EvtDataScriptEventToLua );


    virtual void VBuildEventData(); // fill data with value before sending to Lua
    int m_num;

Had a bug initially where the Lua Event handler data was not being set properly within C++ because I had the name of the virtual function overrides for filling the data wrong:

    virtual void BuildEventData(); // should have been 'VBuildEventData()'
    virtual bool BuildEventFromScript(); // should have been 'VBuildEventFromScript()'

So instead, the default base class functions were being called instead, which set the Lua object to NIL instead of filling/extracting from it the desired data.

Chapter 14

3D Graphics Basics

I haven't done anything with actual graphics yet; focusing on the math first. I'm replacing all of the DirectX stuff with a custom math implementation and OpenGL implementation. The math is mixed from different sources. Have replaced D3DXPlaneDotCoord with:

inline float PlaneDotCoord(const Vec3& point) const {
    return a*point.x + b*point.y + c*point.z + d;
a,b,c, and d are the plane member variables. Replaced D3DXPlaneFromPoints with:
// normal faces away from you if you send verts in counterclockwise order
//inline void Init(const Vec3& p0, const Vec3& p1, const Vec3& p2) {
inline void Init(const Vec3& p2, const Vec3& p1, const Vec3& p0) {
    Vec3 ab = p1-p0;
    Vec3 ac = p2-p0;
    Vec3 abc = Cross(ab,ac);
    a = abc.x; b = abc.y; c = abc.z;
    d = -(a*p0.x + b*p0.y + c*p0.z);
Not quite confident about the proper clockwise/counterclockwise vertex order, but it's good enough for now. We'll see if it works properly later. The comment shows a link to a nice visualization of the plane calculation given three points:


Added OGLTextureResource, OGLTextureResourceView, OGLTextureResourceExtraData for loading and initializing OpenGL textures. Using stb_image from:


Started OGLRenderer to implement IRenderer class. Using SDL2/Glew. Hasn't been tested yet; along with OGLTextureResource. I'm getting a weird build error on Windows with cl/vs command prompt that I haven't seen before:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.26.28801\include\cstdlib(23): error C2733: 'abs': you cannot overload a function with 'extern "C"' linkage
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\corecrt_math.h(466): note: see declaration of 'abs'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.26.28801\include\cstdlib(27): error C2733: 'abs': you cannot overload a function with 'extern "C"' linkage
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\corecrt_math.h(466): note: see declaration of 'abs'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.26.28801\include\cstdlib(31): error C2733: 'abs': you cannot overload a function with 'extern "C"' linkage
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\corecrt_math.h(466): note: see declaration of 'abs'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.26.28801\include\xtr1common(21): error C2894: templates cannot be declared to have 'C' linkage
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.26.28801\include\xtr1common(38): error C2894: templates cannot be declared to have 'C' linkage

Which only started after I added the SDL2/SDL.h include.


I got rid of the above error on Windows by replacing the pre-built SDL visual studio library with the latest on GitHub (2.24.1). I also setup a Visual Studio project as opposed to the single batch script, as part of trying to figure out the SDL2 error. The visual studio project compiles the sources in lib into a static library named GCC4Lib.lib.

I started an OGLShader class and OGLVertexBuffer class, so now I can draw a basic triangle and confirmed the current math library works, in 16_3dScenes:


Initial sky box and mesh nodes working. Untextured OBJ meshes (with diffuse color hard-coded to red) are loaded with the Assimp library. Textures can be loaded with stb_image. I used the skybox images from the book's resources, but got the teapot from elsewhere. The book uses .sdkmesh format meshes which Assimp doesn't support. I initially tried to load the sdkmesh format model using some code I found on GitHub, but it didn't seem to work.


Added lighting shader and texturing to assimp mesh node. Followed the book's HLSL shader at first, but it uses per-vertex flat shading, so I changed it to per-pixel so it looks nicer:

Chapter 17

Collision and Simple Physics


This chapter has us working with the Bullet phsics SDK. I'm using version 3.2.4. So far I haven't noticed any big differences between the book version and this version. I did need to add another compile flag for visual studio, otherwise I got this error:

BulletCollision_Debug.lib(btCollisionObject.obj) : error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '2' doesn't match value '0' in main.obj

Adding the flag /MTd fixed this.

I also needed to use BulletCollision_Debug.lib, and BulletDynamics_Debug.lib instead of Bullet3Collsion/Bullet3Dynamics lib files, otherwise I got unresolved linker errors to different functions. TODO is create a test program to verify that physics is working.


Funny to see it's been close to exactly one year since the last update lol

Implemented chapter 19 networking w/ started test program Test program doesn't use the socket manager currently, or send a proper network event message - just sends the string "Hello World!". Differentiated between Windows and Linux builds similarly to what I did for ZFX engine with ifdefs. The linux version test program currently hangs on shutdown, presumably due to not currently setting SO_DONTLINGER, which is Windows only. For Linux I think I need to do something with SO_LINGER instead:

    int value = 1;
    setsockopt(newSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTLINGER, (char*)&value, sizeof(value));

Updated all examples Windows and Linux builds. On Windows, I ran into an issue when attempting to include <thread>, where GCC4's Process.h was conflicting with the windows process.h file - see this stack overflow post. I moved the source files for the GCC4 library to a subdirectory GCC4, so now all includes are of the form #include <GCC4/somefile.h>.

Updated lua/luaplus to work on both Windows and Linux now also. I attempted to build luaplus-53 on Windows but had issues, so I directly added the necessary source files to lib/LuaPlus and build them directly with the other GCC4 files.


Finished chapter 20 multiprogramming. Used std::thread, std::mutex, and std::condition_variable instead of the Windows specific CRITICAL_SECTION and other variables. The example program implements the protected process example (to increment a single variable from multiple threads), tests the ConcurrentQueue class using integers, and tests the DecompressionProces class to load a text file from within a zip file in the background.

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