Its important to handle the case of breakpoints, otherwise the program will likely crash and burn when resuming, assuming the timer/frame system hasn't stopped
// If dt is too large, we must have resumed from a
// breakpoint; in this case frame-lock the target rate
// for this frame
if (delta_time > 1.0f)
delta_time = 1.0f/30.0F;
To make use of multithreading, suggested to use a thread pool job system
namespace job
// signature of all job entry points
typedef void EntryPoint(uintptr_t param);
// allowable priorities
enum class Priority
// counter (implementation not shown)
struct Counter ... ;
Counter* AllocCounter();
void FreeCounter(Counter* pCounter);
// simple job declaration
struct Declaration
EntryPoint *m_pEntryPoint;
uintptr_t m_param;
Priority m_priority;
Counter* m_pCounter;
// kick a job
void KickJob(const Declaration& decl);
void KickJobs(int count, const Declaration aDecl[]);
// wait for job to terminate (for its Counter to become zero)
void WaitForCounter(Counter* pCounter);
// kick jobs and wait for completion
void KickJobAndWait(const Declaration& decl);
void KickJobsAndWait(int count, const Declaration aDecl[]);
void* JobWorkerThread(void*)
// keep on running jobs forever...
while (true)
Declaration declCopy;
// wait for a job to become available
while (!g_ready)
pthread_cond_wait(&g_jobCv, &g_mutex);
// copy the JobDeclaration locally and
// release our mutex lock
declCopy = GetNextJobFromQueue();
// run the job
// job is done! rinse and repeat...
// example usage
void NpcThinkJob(uintparam_t param)
Npc* pNpc = reinterpret_cast<Npc*>(param);
// ...
// BAD! calling another job/thread won't work:
// now let's cast a ray to see if we're aiming
// at anything interesting -- this involves
// kicking off another job that will run on
// a different code (worker thread)
RayCastHandle hRayCast = CastGunAimRay(pNpc);
// the results of the ray cast aren't going to
// be ready until later this frame, so let's
// go to sleep until it's ready
// zzz...
// wake up!
// now fire my weapon, but only if the ray
// cast indicates that we are aiming at an
// enemy
For an excellent in-depth discussion of how the Naughty Dog job sys- tem was built, and why it was built that way, check out Christian Gyrling’s excellent GDC 2015 talk entitled, “Parallelizing the Naughty Dog Engine,” which is available at Christian’s slides are available at