- Input that detects movement and orientation; e.g. the wiimote
- Use 'relative' inputs as numbers
- Acceleration along the x,y, and z axes up to 3g (gravity force, where 1 G = earth gravity)
- For example: if pointed upwards, will have 1g along the Y axis, 0g along the z axis
Common HID (Human Interface Device) code features
- Deadzones
- Analog input filtering
- low-pass filter or running average
- Event detection
- button sequences (combos) or multi-button presses at the same time (chords)
- gesture detection
- multi-controller support
- Multi-platform abstraction
*cross platform support for different controller types
- Input remappiong
- Context-sensitive input
- Input disabling (e.g. for cutscenes)
- Keep a history of the last pressed button in the expected sequence
and the time it was pressed
- When the next button in the sequence is pressed
- If the button was pressed within the time limit, update the sequence
- else reset the sequence to the beginning (sequence failed)