Chapter 3

Addition Instructions

Operation Meaning
add Rd,Rs,Rt Rd = Rs + Rt
addi Rt,Rs,Immediate Rt = Rs + Immediate
addu Rd,Rs,Rt Rd = Rs + Rt (unsigned)
addiu Rt, Rs, Immediate Rt = Rs + Immediate (unsigned)

Subtraction Instructions

Operation Meaning
sub Rd,Rs,Rt Rd = Rs - Rt
subu Rd,Rs,Rt Rd = Rs - Rt (unsigned)

Multiplication Instructions

The results of mult ops are stored in special hi,lo registers for the high 32 bits of the result and the low 32 bits of the result.

These values can be then extracted into local regs via 'mflo <reg>' and 'mfhi <reg>' operations

Operation Meaning
mult Rs, Rt [hi,lo] = Rs * Rt
mult Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs * Rt

Boolean Instructions

Operation Meaning
and Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs & Rt
andi Rt, Rs, Immediate Rt = Rs & Immediate
or Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs | Rt
ori Rt, Rs, Immediate Rt = Rs | Immediate
xor Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs ^ Rt
xori Rt, Rs, Immediate Rt = Rs ^ Immediate
nor Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = ~(Rs | Rt)

Division Instructions

For division, the result is stored in the 'lo' register and the remainder is stored in the 'hi' register (for integers, at least). These can also be extracted with mflo and mfhi like for multiplication.

Operation Meaning
div Rs,Rt [hi,lo] = Rs/Rt

Shift Instructions

Operation Meaning
sll Rd, Rt, Immediate Rd = Rt << Immediate (use zeros to fill in (logical shift))
sllv Rd, Rt, Rs Rd = Rt << Rs (use zeros to fill in (logical shift))
srl Rd, Rt, Immediate Rd = Rt >> Immediate (use zeros to fill in (logical shift))
srlv Rd, Rt, Rs Rd = Rt >> Rs (use zeros to fill in (logical shift))
sra Rd, Rt, Immediate Rd = Rt >> Immediate (use sign bit to fill in (arithmatic shift; preserves sign))
srav Rd, Rt, Rs Rd = Rt >> Rs (use sign bit to fill in (arithmatic shift; preserves sign))
rol Rd, Rt, Immediate Rd = Rt << Immediate (circular shift; fill in with shifted out bits)
ror Rd, Rt, Immediate Rd = Rt >> Immediate (circular shift; fill in with shifted out bits)

Addition Pseudo Instructions

Pseudo Operation Translation
add Rt,Rs,Immediate (16 bit value) addi Rt,Rs,Immediate
[add|addi|addiu] Rt,Rs,Immediate (32 bit value) lui $at, Immediate (upper 16 bits)
ori $at, Immediate (lower 16 bits)
add Rt, Rs, $at

Subtraction Pseudo Instructions

Pseudo Operation Translation
sub Rt,Rs,Immediate (16 bit value) addi $at,$zero,Immediate
sub Rt, Rs, $at
[subi|subiu] Rt,Rs,Immediate (16 bit value) addi $at,$zero,Immediate (signed or unsigned)
[sub|subu] Rt, Rs, $at
[sub|subi|subiu] Rt,Rs,Immediate (32 bit value) lui $at, Immediate (upper 16 bits)
ori $at, Immediate (lower 16 bits)
sub Rt, Rs, $at

Multiplication Pseudo Instructions

Pseudo Operation Translation
mult Rd,Rs,Immediate addi $Rt, $zero, Immediate
mult Rd, Rs, Rt
mulo Rd,Rs,Immediate addi $Rt, $zero, Immediate
mulo Rd, Rs, Rt
mulo Rd, Rs, Rt Rd = Rs * Rt; throws exception if overflow occurs

Division Pseudo Instructions

Pseudo Operation Translation
div Rd, Rs, Rt if Rt != 0; Rd = Rs / Rt
else break
div Rd,Rs,Immediate addi $Rt, $zero, Immediate
div Rs, Rt
mflo Rd
rem Rd, Rs, Rt if Rt != 0; Rd = Rs % Rt
else break
rem Rd, Rs, Immediate addi $Rt, $zero, Immediate
div Rs, Rt
mfhi Rd

Boolean Pseudo Instructions

Pseudo Operation Translation
[and|or|xor] Rt, Rs, Immediate [andi|ori|xori] Rt, Rs, Immediate
[and|or|xor] Rs,Immediate [and|or|xor] Rs, Rs, Immediate
not Rs, Rt nor Rs, Rt, $zero (Rs = !Rt)

Also, the auto handling of 16bit vs 32bit immediates, same as done for addition,etc

Addition Sample Prog



  # add 3 + 5 into $t0
  li $t0, 3
  addi $t0, $t0, 5

  # print out result
  li $v0, 1 # 1 = print int
  move $a0, $t0

  # exit
  li $v0, 10


IsEven: Division/Remainder Sample Prog

# Is Odd/Even checker
# shows division and remainder


  # Get user input number, stored in $t0
  li $v0, 4 # print string
  la $a0, prompt
  li $v0, 5 # get integer
  move $t0, $v0

  # Divide by 2 so we get the remainder (stored in hi)
  div $t1, $t0, 2 # t1 = t0 / 2
  # print out the division result
  li $v0, 4 # print string
  la $a0, divresstr
  li $v0, 1 # print int
  move $a0, $t1
  # print out remainder (is even?)
  li $v0, 4
  la $a0, isevenstr
  li $v0, 1
  mfhi $a0
  # exit
  li $v0, 10

prompt:       .asciiz "enter a number to check if odd or even:"
divresstr:    .ascii "Input / 2: \0" # \0 so the string is null terminated
isevenstr:    .ascii "\nIs Even: \0"

XOR Bit Flipper: Bit flips users input using XOR instead of nor or not

# Program's logical not (bitwise flip) using xor
# assumes using 32bit integer



	# prompt for a number, storing in $t0
	li $v0, 4 # print string
	la $a0, prompt
	li $v0, 5 # get int
	move $t0, $v0
	# bit flip it using (a XOR 0b11111111... = ~a), storing in $t1
	xori $t1, $t0, 0xffffffff
	# print out the result
	li $v0, 1 # print int
	move $a0, $t1
	# exit
	li $v0, 10

prompt: .asciiz "Enter a number to bit flip: "