04/20/2020 ---------- - Started chapter 1 - Wrote hello world (get gl context) program - Wrote basic bg color (gl clear color, clear color buffer bit) - Finished chapter 1 - other example was an existing source file that was included with the physical book 04/21/2020 ---------- - Started Chapter 2 - Finished first example program - basic square/buffer objects 04/25/2020 ---------- - Finished Chapter 2 - Finished second example program - asynchronous model loading via AJAX 04/26/2020 ---------- - Started chapter 3 - Finished prog 1: lambert shading on a sphere, with UI controls 04/28/2020 ---------- - Finished chapter 3 prog 2: phong shading with UI controls 04/29/2020 ----------- - Finished chapter 3 prog 3: wall phong shading with UI 04/30/2020 ---------- - Finished chapter 3 prog 4: sphere phong shading with positional light 05/01/2020 ---------- - Finished final chapter 3 prog: prog 5: car model with phong shading, positional light, rotating camera (I added the rotation part) 05/11/2020 ---------- - Finished chapter 4 and example prog: projection types, viewport, matrix types 05/21/2020 ---------- - Finished chapter 5 first two progs: frame-independant animation and parametric positioning (position based on time)