Original XBOX Softmod Install

Picked up an OG Xbox from Game Craze and am looking into creating homebrew for it using nxdk. I followed a video to install the Rocky5 Softmod from MrMario2011 on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW6QsGXTrFQ. This one took a while as I hit some roadblocks and had to wait to order stuff:

  1. Plug flash drive into Xbox-controller adapter
  2. Turn on XBOX
  3. Should see message that the flash drive was erased
  4. Go into "memory" and you should see the flash drive
  5. Unplug the flash drive from the xbox & plug it back into computer
    • Do NOT format disk when prompted
  6. Unzip rocky 5 xbox softmodding tool
  7. Unzip "Xbox Softmodding Tool.zip"
  8. Enter "Softmod Package" dir
  9. "Extract Here" on the mod matching the game you're using (I'm using 007 agent under fire)
    • should see "UDATA" folder
  10. "Extract Here" on the "Softmod Save" zip
  11. Extract & Open Xplorer360
  12. Click "Drive" -> "Open" -> "Hardrive or Memcard"
  13. Drag and drop the folders in UDATA into the window
  14. Click "Drive" -> "Close" then "Drive" -> "Exit"
  15. Safe Eject the flash drive & remove from pc
  16. Plug flash drive back into xbox
    • Original flash drived I used didn't work (Xbox didn't recognize it after plugging it back in)
    • Fixed by switching to a 2GB Sandisk drive
  17. Using the Xbox, copy the saves from the flash drive to the internal hard drive
  18. Boot the game you're using and load the save from the hard drive
    • 007 Agent Under Fire didn't work for me (it gave a blank screen after loading)
    • After re-watching the video, I think I might have skipped a step needed before loading the save
    • Ended up using Splinter Cell instead
  19. Load the harddrive copied save after booting splinter cell
  20. brings you to softmod tool screen, press a to run the softmod process
  21. during process, need to reboot then remove disk as soon as reboots
  22. should bring you to softmodded console main menu
  23. changed skin theme to default
  24. clear hard-drive key:
    • open nkpatcher settings
    • go to EEPROM->advanced features->Hard Drive->null key
  25. copy/backup EEPROM data:
    • ftp to XBOX IP with username/pass xbox,xbox
    • Copy /E/Backups/EEPROM to computer
    • gives EEPROM folder with eeprom.bin, eeprom.cfg, eeprom_original.bin, xbox info.txt

To run compiled homebrew on the Xbox, you do the following:

  1. FTP to xbox
  2. Make a folder called 'Games' in /E if it does not exist
  3. Make folder in /E/Games to put your homebrew app in
  4. Copy the compiled 'default.xbe' into /e/Games/WhateverFolder via FTP
  5. Reboot the xbox
  6. Should show up under the 'Games' menu
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